Spanning Time
Crossing Space
Beyond the ordinary encounter.
DECADE is a synonym of time, but also a very long time span.
在牛津词典里,DECADE的释义是十年。但对于DECADE CAFE的两位主理人而言,DECADE不仅是十年,更是一段过程,是这段人生中经历过的所有美好与浪漫。跨越了时间和空间的遇见,在TA与TA之间,他们与咖啡之间,DECADE CAFE见证了一份执着的爱情,并用十年的时间去打磨、沉淀,将咖啡文化做到匠心的极致。
In the Oxford Dictionary, the definition of DECAD is ten years.But for the two principals of DECADE CAFE, Decade is not only a decade, but also a process, which is all the beauty and romance that they have experienced in their lives.Across the time and space to meet, between TA and TA, between them and coffee, DECADE CAFE witnessed a persistent love, and with ten years to polish, precipitation, coffee culture to the extreme of ingenuity.