美式复古風格是上海彦文建築工作室(Atelier A)的新作BEES‘ KNEES餐廳的設計主题,这两家餐廳分别位于济南万象城和恒隆广场,采用统一設計软装设计風格和主题,同时根据不同的地理位置,对空间处理和材料使用进行了相应调整。
American Retro style is the theme of the two BEES’ KNEES Restaurants, the new projects of Atelier A in the MixC Shopping Mall and Hang Lung Plaza (Parc 66) in Jinan.
BEES‘ KNEES餐廳的設計灵感源自美国震教徒(the Shakers)质朴天然的美學理念,该教派虽于19世纪末逐渐消亡,但对美式建築软装设计和北欧当代設計影响深远。Atelier A追溯其本源,将BEES’ KNEES两家餐廳打造成简约朴实、崇尚功能与品味的咖啡馆兼轻餐馆,这也与Atelier A一贯的实用主义設計風格吻合。
The design is inspired by the natural and austere aesthetics of American Shakers, which has a great impact on American decorations and contemporary Scandinavian design. Both of the BEES‘KNEES restaurants feature simple, practical and elegant decorations in accordance with the Shakers’ style as well as Atelier A‘s philosophy that values utility and quality.
恒隆店BEES’ KNEES at Hang Lung Plaza (Parc 66)
BEES’ KNEES at Hang Lung Plaza (Parc 66)
The theme colour of the Hang Lung restaurant is olive green, the same as its logo. The original walls of grey concrete blocks are preserved. Plant troughs and columns are paved with pink tiles to lighten the natural and simple atmosphere.
The ‘peg rail’, a horizontal pelmet, is a typical element of Shakers decoration. The rail leaves a proportionally agreeable line on the walls and the pegs can be used to hung pots, pans and chopping boards to save storage space and create a homelike atmosphere.
墙上的横向分割线条,是震教派场景空间软装设计的典型元素The ‘peg rail’, a typical element of Shakers decoration
在空间布局上,为在商场内打造类似室外露台,設計師将餐廳外立面内退,内部采用木制地板和白色天花,外部地板则用水泥自流平,配合对应的绿色吊顶 ,以划定这一 “室外”空间。厨房以功能性模块的方式嵌入内部空间,与外立面连接,既和开放的外部露台呈对比,又保障空间的延续性和消防路径的畅通。
In order to create a terrace within the shopping mall, the façade has been moved inwards. A distinction is made between the ‘indoor’ space with wooden floor and white ceiling and the ‘outdoor’ terrace with cement floor and green ceiling. The back of house is placed as a functional block. One of its walls is connected to the façade as a contrast to the open terrace, and ensures the continuity of the space and directness of the emergency route.
厨房以功能性模块的方式嵌入内部空间The back of house as a functional block
BEES‘ KNEES恒隆店BEES’ KNEES at Hang Lung Plaza (Parc 66)