PROJECT | 不止 Boutique AREA | 170.0m² ADDRESS | 山东·济南 中和广场 COMPANY | 朴生设计
- 削减到本质,不剥离自身的韵,保持纯洁干净,让生命力驻存。
—建筑师 Axel Vervoordt
▼平面图,Plan view
以空间作为载体,打破固有对女装店铺的印象,创造艺术、生活与销售平衡的时尚文化集合地。 设计抓住品牌名字的含义,“不止”于边界所限制、“不止”于被选择所限制。
By using space as a carrier, breaking the inherent impression of women's clothing stores and creating a fashion and cultural gathering place that balances art, life, and sales. Design captures the meaning of a brand name, 'beyond' the limitations of boundaries and 'beyond' the limitations of being chosen. [color=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.9)]
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▼区位图,Area map
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尽管在CBD的沿街黄金位置,但入口并未选择单刀直入的关系依附,以更具品牌符号化的造型引入,在顺应商业更新趋势的同时,去探寻品牌独有的的审美与时尚理念。 Although located in the golden position along the street in CBD, the entrance did not choose a direct relationship attachment, but instead introduced a more symbolic design of the brand. While following the trend of commercial updates, it explored the brand's unique aesthetic and fashion concepts
01情绪 . 解读 emotional Interpretation-
▼入口概览,Entrance overview
将原外部隔断拆除,做透景玻璃橱窗,通过立面材质穿插,让户外与内部空间形成一体,模糊边界,有意引导行人进入到营造的场景中,衍生出踏进门店的仪式感...... Dismantle the original external partition and create a transparent glass display window. Through the use of facade materials, the outdoor and internal spaces are integrated, blurring the boundaries and intentionally guiding pedestrians into the created scene, resulting in a sense of ritual when entering the storee......