[color=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.9)]"万水千山,如约而至。 [color=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.9)]跨万水千山而来,朝春暖花开而去。 [color=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.9)]春暖花开,如约而至。“
项目地址/ 济南城市之光
主创团队/ 朴生空间设计
项目面积/ 180.0㎡
团队地址/ 济南华龙路579百工集
01感知 Perception -
“设计的框架和出发点在于尽一切可能地弱化商业空间的属性,通过自然质朴的主观空间置入,强调家居情境中你我的意义,寻找“置身其中”的真实感和亲近感。" ”The framework and starting point of design is to do everything possible to weaken the properties of commercial space, to be placed through natural and simple subjective spaces, to emphasize your meaning in the home situation, and to find the authenticity and intimacy of “being in it.”