■我们都在后疫情时代不断的摸索与前行, 生活本身应该是什么样子? 是越来越多人思考的问题。 家,不再只是生活的格子, 是我们对理想生活向往的体现,是让心灵栖息的港湾。
■ We are all and moving What should life be like? It is a question that more and more people are thinking about. Home is no longer just a grid of life, It is the embodiment of and a harbor for the soul to live in.
■ 金地嘉源是金地集团在上海的新作品, 在关注居住空间本身之外, 更注重提升居住者的生活状态和品质, 在乎的是人与城市、人与自然和谐共生的关系, 也更加注重社交与圈层。 ■ Gemdale Jiayuan is Gemdale Group's new work in Shanghai. Pay more attention to improving the living conditions and quality of occupants, What we care about is the harmonious symbiosis It also pays more attention and social circles.
■客餐一体化是现代家居的趋势,为了让整体空间在视觉效果与使用上更加和谐统一,设计师遵循了色调与质感的统一。■ The integration of guest and of modern home furnishing. In order to make the overall space more harmonious andof visual effect and use, The designer followed of tone and texture.