本帖最后由 7_eleven 于 2016-8-1 15:07 编辑
coffee bar and B&B by Office AIO
“大小” - 胡同里的咖啡店和民宿
位于北京香饵胡同,这间名叫 Big Small Coffee 和 B&B客房一共只有34平方米,包含两个部分:一个19平方米的咖啡馆和一个15平方米的客房;咖啡馆和客房由一个小院连接起来,和一户邻居共享天井空间。咖啡馆的主理人想要通过这个小空间把优质的咖啡带给顾客。因此“Big Small Coffee”看似是一杯小小的咖啡,但是却包含着咖啡厅老板远大的理想。
Nestled within Xiang’er Hutong in central Beijing, Big Small Coffee + B&B has a total area of 34 square meters. The project consists of two parts: a coffee bar (19 sqm) and a guest room (15 sqm) linked by a courtyard shared with an elderly neighbour. Owners of the coffee business wanted to bring serious artesian coffee to their customers in a small space, emphasising focus on just a good cup of coffee.
Hence the brand “Big Small Coffee” – being small in size but big on intention.
▽室外立面,outside facade
“Big Small Coffee”是一个新潮而又相当专业的品牌。AIO把设计的重点放在空间功能组织和场所文脉重塑上。尽管这是两个狭小的空间,但是AIO仍然希望可以把这种限制转化为优势。咖啡厅在功能上被分成两个部分,一边属于咖啡师,一边属于顾客,因此在设计师通过材料上的清晰变化传达出这种空间上的差异。
“We imagined Big Small Coffee to have a fresh and professional identity and we wanted to bring attentiveness to the design specific for its function and context. Making the most out of these two tiny spaces by turning constraints into design features.” The spatial function is primarily split into two. Baristas and customers each occupies a side of the bar. This spatial distinction is expressed visually through a crisp change in materiality.
▽通过材料差异限定出两个空间,two space defined by material
▽ 咖啡厅室内,interior of the coffee bar
Hung by four hand crafted leather straps is a bold, singular 2.4M customised stroke of light. Floating right in the centre of the spatial volume above the bar, the luminaire catches one’s eyes, adds weight to the space, while accentuating width and linearity when encountered front-on facing the bar. It also provides a softer, more delicate details to the threshold between shelf and bench top. Brightness is adjustable for the desired mood and/or function. The cork panels on the other hand is warm and inviting to the touch. It is also a sound absorber, making it an ideal choice of material in the context of a co-shared wall with the adjacent living space. On the southern side of the shop is another zoning threshold, marked by a camouflaged set of overhead storage cupboards. This threshold transits to the back of house washing area and a water closet. The washing area is meant to be accessed after hours, a full sized sink is in place but concealed during operating hours, allowing this right of way to remain a pleasant waiting area.
▽由灯具所引导的具有纵深感的空间,width and linearity space
▽吸音木板,the cork panels and light