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Nashare Hotel by C+ Architects and Naza design studio
建筑/景观设计:C+ Architects建筑设计事务所,那宅设计工作室
Architecture / Landscape: C+ Architects / Naza design studio
Interior Design: Deep design consultant
Lobby Furniture and Art Display: Fang Xiaofeng
Program: Hotel Design / Container Transformation
Status: Completed
Location: Xiamen, Fujian
Dates: April 2015 – January 2016
Area: 517 sqm.
Photographs: Xu Xiaodong
山林间的观海之境 Capturing Views of the Sea From the Forest 那厢位于厦门环岛南路一侧的半山林间,直面壮阔的台湾海峡,毗邻厦门最负盛名的环岛路景观沙滩,距人气十足的曾厝垵文化村仅十分钟车程。建造在一片相思树、松林与天然巨石之间的那厢,清幽静谧,是一处适合慢呼吸的隐市桃源。 Nashare Hotel locates in a forest beside Huandao south road in Xiamen of China. It is facing Taiwan Canal by the most popular Huandao Road beach and just ten minutes drive from the attractive cultural town – Zengcuoan. The hotel is built in a tranquil space consisting of acacias, pines and natural stones far away from the city. It’s an ideal hidden world for relaxation. ▽ 建造在一片相思树、松林与天然巨石之间的那厢,the hotel is built in a tranquil space consisting of acacias, pines and natural stones
隐居型度假环境 Isolated Relaxation Environment 那厢是独立设计酒店“那宅”的系列品牌之一,仅有12间客房。绝大多数房间都是独立单体,并拥有单独的入口和庭院,保证了居者安静的私密空间体验。所有客房的窗外,都能看见壮美的大海或怡人的密林。 Nashare, related to “Naza Hotel” design series, has only 12 rooms and the vast majority of which are independent units. Every unit has a separated entrance and courtyard to ensure quiet and private home spatial experience. In addition, the magnificent ocean and forest could be seen from all rooms. ▽ 能看见壮美的大海或怡人的密林的客房,the magnificent ocean and forest could be seen from all rooms
“弱设计” Design Intention 自然与设计的关系,源于控制设计分寸而带来的与环境的共生。那厢希望创造一个能够让人感受自然的适宜场所,而房子只是这个场所的简单载体,“弱设计”的原则即成为了设计的初衷。 那厢的客房主要有两种:一种是改造原来山地中已有的空间,包括现存集装箱的改造;另外一种是把集装箱改造后置入山地中。这使得有些客房中的山石嵌入了墙体,同窗外的树木一起将风景带进了房间。此外,对集装箱进行改造和安放,也是最低程度影响环境的设计方式。对于景观,是通过适度的整理来寻求保持一种原始的状态,尽可能减少在场地中置入过多的人工元素,同时尽可能的消隐设计的痕迹。 The relationship between the nature and design is achieved by elaborate design control in cooperation with environment. Creating an appropriate space to engage with nature is the main idea of Nashare. The house is the space carrier; therefore, “Invisible container” is the design concept. There are two room types. One is renovating the existing space, including container refurbishment. Another is placing the container on the hill after renovation. The rocks and trees create a great view for all rooms. Furthermore, the renovation and placement of containers are environment-friendly. In terms of the landscape, keeping an original status is achieved by reducing artificial elements and blurring the boundary between the architecture and surroundings. ▽ 嵌入客房的山石,rocks in the room