这间位于捷克布拉格Karlín区的Proti Proudu Bistro咖啡馆以“电气”为主题,完美的融合并呈现咖啡与食物。黑色电线在白色的天花和墙壁上如同电路板线路般纵横排列,汇入黑色灯壳。地面是浅色大理石地板,桌面和柜面是原色的橡木。地面上的凳子也为黑色,它们与天花上的黑色灯罩形成微妙的平衡。铭刻着座右铭“IN COFFEE WE TRUST.”的柜台里面采用了永不生锈的修饰钢板。 Current and connection are the main themes of the interior design of Proti Proudu Bistro in Prague district Karlín. Inspiration by František Křižík, the Karlín-born electrical engineering inovator, merged with the idea of connecting through good coffee and delicious food. The main bar wall, made of white perforated plywood, creates a grid, which all the components on the wall connect to - from the sliding targets of wires to the paper roll with daily menu. ![]()
Network of wires, stretching from the switches behind the counter to the lights above the tables, draws attention to the connection between staff and guests. Each of the lights is operated separately, location of the switches on the wall grid reflects the real position of the lights in the room. The lights turn on and off as guests come and go. Every time the door opens, it lights a new spark in the bistro. Plywood texture softly reflects stone floor pattern, as well as the oak board of the counter and individual tables. Steel elements preserve their unrefined black iron character. The only exception is the rusty counter with the motto that will never rust – IN COFFEE WE TRUST. ![]()