本帖最后由 vooping 于 2016-6-14 10:21 编辑
香港Campus Hong Kong学生公寓设计 香港Campus Hong Kong学生公寓是零壹城市建筑事务所(LYCS Architecture)为解决城市青年群体租房问题而推出的一个富有革命性改变的酒店式公寓。香港地少人多、寸土寸金,租房一直是困扰年轻人的一个大问题。为了应对这一挑战,设计师将整个公寓进行了全新的改造设计。 Campus Hong Kong is a revolutionary apartment for students designed by LYCS Architecture, which aims to provide solution to renting problems in high-density cities in China. In large populated city like Hong Kong, living expense for young people is a heavy burden. The problem is evident, nice apartments comes with higher rate while cheaper ones are just not cozy. To cope with this challenge, the designers found a brand new and affordable way through renovating the existing hotel.
Campus学生公寓位于香港荃湾区,北贴青山公路汀九段,南临荃湾,身处公寓中便能看见海景,地理位置十分优越。原酒店共有12层,48间Capmus学生公寓分布在三个较低楼层,设计为学生公寓配备了用于交流的公共活动室,年轻人可以聚在这里一起聊天、交友、看比赛以及玩游戏,除此之外健身房、海滨游泳池、露台和咖啡厅等生活配套设施一应俱全。 Located in Hong Kong’s Tsuen Wan district, Campus Hong Kong enjoys convenient transportation and a great view of the bay. It consists of 48 student apartments located in the lower 3 levels of an existing hotel.The student common room designed to have a cozy environment for daily social activities and gaming. Besides, it is also facilitated with gym, cafe, and even swimming pool.
每个公寓室内实用面积只有27.0㎡,设计师祛除了原本隔开两个房间中心的墙壁,取而代之的是一张共享的高桌,它不仅具有就餐、阅读、学习的功能,更是为室友们提供了一个社交互动的平台。合理的床位安排,不仅利用了每一寸的空间,飘窗,墙壁内,甚至是屋顶,都被赋予了实用的功能空间,同时又仍然能保持一种私密的感觉。公寓的4个床位被设计成了半悬空式,床位下面留出的空间设置了一个较为宽敞的书桌。房间里的四个床位都设计全钢梯子、 遮光窗帘、 便利的墙上插座和阅读灯,拉上窗帘,你就拥有了一个不被打扰的私人空间。在这个空间里还巧妙地纳入挂衣杆、可伸缩的架子、可上锁的抽屉、独立存放行李箱的空间、以及镶入式书桌和多个USB 插口,十分便利,你可以睡在床上便能解决掉工作、学习的大部分需求。 The interior area of each room is approximately 27.0㎡. The design removed existing partition wall in between two rooms, replaced it with a central high table as a common space for study and social for 4 students. In this limited space, every single inch is fully used: the bed was designed to be half raised and the study desk is placed under the bed that to make full use of space. Each bed with a steel access ladder, blackout curtain for privacy, electrical wall sockets and a reading light. With the curtain shut, you will own a personal spaces, which also neatly incorporates a clothes rail, built-in shelves and lockable drawers, separate luggage space, along with a built-in desk sporting a multi-socket USB hub. It’s a pleasurable experience for students to accomplish study and work while in the bed.
房间的层高比普通的公寓要高一些,不管是睡在床上还是坐在椅子上,年轻人都可以享受到大尺度空间的舒适感。房顶的天花板也是他们可以自由创作的空间,你可以创造出任何你喜欢的图案或者文字。此外公寓还设有公用的浴室、厨房和餐桌、冰箱等生活必备设施,简洁而细腻的材质配以轻工业感的装饰,空间的基调轻松活泼。 Students can enjoy the comfort of spacious room either when laying in bed or sitting in the chair. The blank ceiling becomes the area for the renters to create whatever favorite pattern or drawings they want to draw. Throughout the windows, one will have a great view of the sea. Each apartment unit is also equipped with public bathroom, kitchen and other necessarily daily facilities. ![]()
根据香港的材料与人工费用来计算,每个房间从硬装到家具所有的改造费用加在一起非常的价廉物美。此项目设计的意义在于,它为具有巨大前景的中国年轻人租房市场,提供了一种可借鉴的解决问题的模式,不需要付出很高的成本,便可以拥有真正属于年轻人的空间与生活。 Given the cost of material and labor in Hong Kong, the budget of the whole project is relatively low. The emergence of this new type of apartment is providing a method to solve problems in such a large and promising Chinese renting market. Without high cost or monthly rate, young people can still own the space and life that really belongs to them.