本帖最后由 易昂空间设计 于 2023-7-11 17:07 编辑
时间悄然无声而过, 早已逝去活力的样貌, 被自己的担忧束缚在原地。 在这里可以忘记周遭的一切, 寻觅着灵魂的共鸣。
对于生活在城市的人们来说,什么最是珍贵?莽原中稍纵即逝的萤火,夜间绽放的绚烂夏花,雨后清爽的植物香气,还是闹市嚷嚷中的片刻宁静。 A true poetic dwelling is not an escape from the hustle and bustle, nor is it an outward sign of flower clusters, but the care of a peach blossom source in the heart that belongs to oneself. Therefore, there is no definite style of home, which is not only a space that can be carefully crafted but also a philosophy of life that can be savored by the residents.
鹏club坐落于济南的喧闹街道,设计师以山水庭院作为设计意向,提取园林之趣作为元素,通过形态的抽象,材料的解构,超视觉的构思,将宴飨之乐通过空间形态深化升华,让人短暂割离都市的喧嚣和当下,从场所到味蕾,浸透呈现,体会易逝、难得、绚烂的美好。 Located in the noisy street of Jinan, Pengclub takes the landscape garden as the design intention and extracts the interest of garden as the element. Through the abstraction of form, deconstruction of material and super visual conception, the joy of feasting is deepened and sublimated through the spatial form, allowing people to briefly cut off from the hustle and bustle of the city and the present moment, from the place to the taste buds, soaking through the presentation and experiencing the beauty of fugitive, rare and splendid.