项目位于澳大利亚新南威尔士Bowral镇,业主原本的家位于博雷尔山顶,由建筑师Bert Read设计。对于业主来说,搬家是一个明智的决定,目的旨在住得离市中心更近,减少汽车使用,进而为环境保护做出贡献。坐落在生态保护区内,场地上原有的小木屋建于世纪之交,在四季的不断更迭中,曾经的居住者敏锐地发觉了这座小木屋所面对的环境挑战。由于朝向的不合理,南向的生活空间在冬日会变得异常寒冷,而靠近西立面一侧的空间以及前方宽阔的黑色混凝土车道则会在夏天变得闷热难耐。
▽项目外观©Ingvar Kenne
Yet the cottage, compact, and unusual in its deep setback amongst growing newer ‘period homes’, had a gentle assured presence to the street. The strategy to reuse the existing where possible, in this case the original core of the cottage, was challenged on site after the discovery of extensive wood borer damage, and foundation problems. An unplanned near rebuild was required.
▽透视图©Takt Studio
▽入口门廊顶棚结构©Ingvar Kenne
The owners are a creative duo – an academic with a passion for Australian literature, and a gardener with expertise in native landscapes and an adept weaver. Thus the brief augmented to include a home for a garden, and a home for stories, interwoven. Blackbutt is structure and finish throughout. Post and beam, arrised to the scale of a passing body. Joinery by a local maker, robust and direct. Recycled hardwood windows, doors and battened brass screens add framed garden views and layers of shade. Filtered light inside.
▽主入口©Ingvar Kenne
From the verandah, a celebrated view back to the former home on Mount Gibraltar and winter sun admitted by a brise soleil verandah roof, can be enjoyed. This verandah wraps around to the west, where carport and entry ramp welcome and at the same time protect from the western sun. Entry circulation, under a skylit fold, invites light deep inside.
▽凉廊©Ingvar Kenne
▽面向花园的露台©Ingvar Kenne