世博一号位于昆明北市区, 是华夏&金地两位“豪宅专家”在此的联袂首作。 为了树立城市标杆,打造国际品质样板, 弥补此区位的文化艺术氛围空白, 同时,契合目标客群当下和未来的精神取向, 我们的设计师展开了一场空间的艺术之旅。
Expo 1 is located in the north urban area of Kunming, It is the joint debut of two "luxury experts" from Huaxia and Jindi. In order to set a city benchmark and build an international quality model, Make up for the blank of cultural and artistic atmosphere in this location, At the same time, it is in line with the current and future spiritual orientation of the target customer group, Our designers embarked on an artistic journey of space.
为了打造一个 具有艺术、互动、消弭 售楼处属性的空间, 我们把一楼的入口及 整体空间完全纳入艺展的范畴。
To create a With art, interaction and elimination Sales office property space, We put the entrance on the first floor and The overall space is fully included in the scope of the art exhibition.