办公楼,Cowork Interiors,挪威奥勒松- 建筑师:Mad arkitekter
- Area : 5500 .0m²
- 年份:2021
- 摄影:Kyrre Sundal
- 制造商:Cembrit, Schuco, Spenncon
- 首席建筑师Mgnus Asker Pettersen
- 室内设计师:Sane AS
- 主承包商 :Ålesund Bygg AS
- 室内承包商:Byggmontering Møre AS
- 暖通工程师:Riksheim
- 监督合伙人:Jonny Klokk
- 项目建筑师:Kimberly Wolf
- 主要建筑师:Sandbakk & Pettersen AS
- 建筑工程师 :Tømmerdal Consult AS
- 城市:奥勒松
- 国家 : 挪威
- 设计师描述 | Designer description: Pir is located at the harbor front of Ålesund, Norway. In 1904 there was a fire in the city that burned down almost all the wooden buildings. The rebuilding of the city started the year after, and within two years almost the whole city was rebuilt, now in Art Nouveau style with stone, brick, and mortar. Therefore, the city has a consistent architecture today. In Ålesund, the saying is the nicest view is the one you don’t experience because it is the house you are sitting in. The Ålesund region is also famous for its scenery and an important part of the project was to build a house that provides a spectacular experience of the surrounding area.
- The rigid concrete structure of Pir stands in stark contrast to Ålesund's consistent Art Nouveau style, with its organic shapes and pointed towers. The design is repetitive, colorful, and expressive, complimenting the Art Nouveau style. The color palette of Ålesund is very lively, and we wanted to reflect this in the design of the project. At the same time, the Art Nouveau style is very ornamental, and the concrete elements of Pir are designed to be full of depth and character. The concrete structure is produced by Spenncon in Hjørungavåg, close to Ålesund.
- The concrete is pigmented in a red color from Bayferrox that changes with the elements. When it rains, it turns dark red, and the direct sunlight it is almost a light pink. The colored cement is also used in the main staircase of the building. In contrast to Pir's strict exterior, the interior architects Sane have designed a warm and varied interior. Pir should be experienced as a workplace with the atmosphere of a home. The interior is durable, with a robust and broad material palette. There is a great variety in atmosphere and furnishings to adapt the interior, just as a home, where each room is furnished differently. The same applies to the lighting and color scheme in the project.
- Pir is foremost a cowork building, where the ground floor is a large event space, bar, restaurant, and reception. The first and second floor is the cowork area. The third floor is Kvale law firm, the fourth floor is Sunnmørsposten regional newspaper, and the fifth floor is the conference center, smaller offices, and rooftop terrace. The project has prioritized using local manufacturers, designers, products, and materials to support Norwegian companies and designers. Mad Arkitekter was engaged to design the façade for the new building, and Sane was engaged to design the interior concept.