Portman Plaza sale centre Area : 150 square meters Main merterials: silk wallpaper from Japan/ICI oil paint/granule paint/ marble flooring/ steel strap/cwcc carpet 项目名称:波特曼销售中心 设 计 师:贺钱威 建筑面积:150m2 装修主材:日本蚕丝壁纸、ICI漆、石塑漆、黑金沙大理石、拉丝不锈钢条、华源地毯 本设计充分延伸了约翰·波特曼的核心设计理念:设计师在“艺术与功能和谐统一”的基础上,加入了大胆创意,创造了一个极具视觉张力的“电影空间”。在150平方米的弧形特异场地上创造性地设计出两个极具场所感的空间。一圆球型设计配以特别的灯光,成功营造出一个具充满神秘气氛的“小电影院”,极具张力地吸引每个经过的人的眼球,并激发其进入探秘的冲动。经过一场“艺术探索”之后,紧接着便轻松过渡到一个比较开扬的明亮空间,一明一暗,一紧一松,让进入者的空间体验感绝对不亚于看一部起伏跌宕的电影,完全摆脱了一般售楼中心仅是展示的单调模式,用设计魔力展示了楼盘的艺术优越性,同时也有力冲击了进入者的美感神经,并进一步促进楼盘的销售。 This design unifies art and function perfectly and it is also the core design point of John Portman. The design of Portman plaza sale centre creates an attractive “movie space” on the base of John Portman’s key view of design! The designer creates skillfully two charming spaces in a 150 square meters base with arc shape. The global space creates successfully a special space like a cinema with the focus lights from the model and it will attract everyone that passes by to come in and explore the secret. Right after the show of Portman plaza model,the bright lights will lead the audience to another luminous space and tempt them to explore further. Two special space will make the visitors feel like experiencing a tuching movie and help the client show their products and promote the sale effectively! |