月子,是妈妈们关键的产后康复期,应该充满尊重和爱护,让妈妈们享受假期般的轻松愉悦,而非单调、苦闷、甚至抑郁。 Confinement is a crucial period of postpartum recovery for mothers just have their babies. Simultaneously, it should be filled with humane respect and love, so that mothers can enjoy the relaxed pleasure like a holiday leisure, instead of dullness, sorrow or even depression. 爱悦月子旗舰店12000平米的空间中,柔和的形体,迷离的光影,都渗透出假日的安宁,从容。 In the 12,000 square meters space of Aiyue confinement flagship store, the soft shape and blurred light shadow all reflects the tranquility of the holiday calmness. 中庭借着三层挑高,清澈的日光倾泻而下,弥漫在庭院里,沙发自由散落组合,或独自闲坐,或闺蜜畅聊。 The atrium is raised on three levels, and the clear sunlight pours down and permeates the courtyard. The sofas are casually laid out or are left alone, for you to sit down, or chat with your best friend. 享受“停摆的小时光”,这正是我们最希望表达的主题。 Just enjoy the "shut-down time", which is the theme we want to express most. 爱悦是备给妈妈们的礼物! Aiyue is a gift for mothers, 是月子里的诗和远方。 Which is the poem and distance during confinement. 建筑不太新,也不算旧,矗立于十字街口,十分醒目,现代简洁的建筑风格给人硬朗可靠的印象。左右两侧开阔的步行道交汇处,引入了一池静水,入口融合在一道白色的连廊中,雕塑序列构建的连廊,可以穿透光影,呼应室内外,实现柔性的空间过渡,与建筑的硬朗形成反差,表达爱悦温柔友好的态度。