白云回望合,青霭入看无。 ——王维
本案择址于宁波镇海,镇守甬江入海口;近临九龙大道,畅达城市核芯;毗邻九龙湖,尽揽自然风光,于城市繁华地构筑诗意一隅。 The project is located in Zhenhai, Ningbo city, guarding the estuary of the Yong River. Close to Jiu Long Avenue and the Jiu Long Lake, the project is endowed with both good traffic condition to the downtown and natural scenery.
跳脱既有的概念限定,蓝城着意搭建一个可供分享、交流、体验的生活馆。为了营造归家特有的温暖质感,设计师以夕阳晚照的潋滟波光为灵感,衍化出沉静典雅的色彩基调。 With an out-of-the box design, the Blue Town is intended to create a living space for sharing, communicating and experiencing. In order to bring a homy environment to all, the designer takes the inspiration from the shimmering light of the sunset and goes with unpretentious elegant color tones.