项目名称 | 贵阳LOLLIPOP威士忌酒吧设计 业主单位 | 贵州萝莉婆婆文化娱乐有限公司 项目地点 | 贵州省贵阳市南明区机场路18号亨特国际(索菲特酒店)一楼 室内设计 | DDID鼎点室内设计(深圳) 主笔设计 | 罗淞元 专案设计 | 张俊峰 设计团队 | 胡杨、夏永昊、刘子健、陈明辉 建筑面积 | 230.0㎡ 完工时间 | 2019年10月 主要材料 | 古铜不锈钢、水泥板、镜面铝扣板、花砖 它复杂,馥郁芬芳,品味之旅如同走在铺满各种鲜花和鲜果的苏格兰山坡上;它简单,简单到只需大麦制作就足矣,因为它所向往的极致,“源”就是它的纯粹与自然。威士忌(Whisky)这个词来源于苏格兰古语,它是一种由大麦等谷物酿制,在橡木桶中陈酿多年后,调配成43度左右的烈性蒸馏酒,在苏格兰已经超过了500年的历史。对于威士忌而言,刚刚蒸馏出来的初酒(NewMake)是无色透明的。我们所着迷的颜色和风味,都来源于之后漫长的橡木桶陈年;其中,赋予威士忌颜色的物质是木桶中的单宁酸和香兰素。 It is complex andfragrant,and the journey is like walking on a Scottish hillside covered withflowers andfruits. It is simple, as simple as barley production is enough,because itwants the ultimate, “source” is its pure and natural. Whisky, a wordderivedfrom an old Scottish word, is a strong distilled spirit made from grainssuchas barley aged in oak barrels for around 43 degrees for more than 500years.For whisky, New Make, which has just been distilled, is colorlessandtransparent. Our fascination with color and flavor comes from the longoakbarrel aging that follows; Among the substances that give whisky its colouraretannins and vanillin found in casks.