本帖最后由 FrancescRife 于 2019-12-10 15:46 编辑
凯克萨银行(CaixaBank)的旗舰办公室All in one位于一座建于20世纪60年代的包豪斯风格的建筑内。建筑师一方面以该包豪斯建筑的造型和配置为基础来确定办公室的空间布局和色调;另一方面将餐饮空间和金融空间的设计思路结合在一起,不仅打造出一个革命性的办公空间,更为客户们带去了一种别样的体验。
Through a hybrid concept that combines the gastronomic and financial worlds, the design of the new flagship All in one of CaixaBank aims to create a revolutionary experience for clients. Located inside a Bauhaus-style building conceived in the 60s, its shape and configuration have defined the layout and colour scheme of the project.
▼办公室位于一座包豪斯风格的建筑内,the project is located inside a Bauhaus-style building ©David Zarzoso
办公室共三层。首层空间层高较高,采用开放式的空间布局,容纳着一家由西班牙厨师Torres Brothers管理的咖啡厅。该区域强调健康的理念,空间中央是一个由黄铜打造而成的吧台,吧台后侧的弧形墙上覆盖着一个屏幕。该屏幕不间断地呈现着绿植等自然元素的影像,从而将自然景观的概念引入了室内空间。为了进一步强化这一概念并为客户和员工提供多种多样的会面空间,建筑师还设计了一系列不同的元素,例如位于“小穹顶”下的座椅空间等。这些座椅空间的隔音效果极佳,设有Wi-Fi网络,同时建筑师还在座椅旁设置了由绳子构成的半透明隔墙以增强其私密性。
▼首层的咖啡厅,the cafe on the ground floor ©David Zarzoso
▼在座椅旁设置由绳子构成的半透明隔墙以增强私密性,for greater privacy, seating areas are accompanied by translucent screens executed with rope ©David Zarzoso
▼首层咖啡厅中位于“小穹顶”下的座椅空间,the seating areas located under concave capsules ©David Zarzoso
Divided into three levels, the open character of the ground floor and its large height have led us to set there an in-store cafe intelligently manage by Spanish chefs Torres Brothers. Named ‘Natural’ for its healthy proposals, this area is organized from a brass bar flanked by a curved screen, whose main function is to take the notion of nature inside with the continuous projection of a series of landscapes. Different elements have been designed to reinforce this concept and allow clients or employees to meet differently. These are seating areas located under concave capsules that integrate high acoustic absorption compounds, have a Wi-Fi connection and, for greater privacy, are accompanied by translucent screens executed with rope.
▼首层空间,中央是一个由黄铜打造而成的吧台,吧台后侧的弧形墙上覆盖着可显示自然元素的屏幕,the ground floor which is organized from a brass bar flanked by a curved screen which can project a series of natural landscape ©David Zarzoso