本帖最后由 LWD梵池设计 于 2019-3-31 21:59 编辑
我相信有情感的建筑 I believe that emotional architecture “建筑”的生命就是它的美 “Construction”of life is that the beauty 这对人类很重要 This is important for humans 给使用者传达美和情感的就是建筑 What conveys beauty and emoton to users is architecture ——路易斯.巴拉干 Luis Barragan
客厅 Living room
The LWD Fanchi Interior Architectural Design Corporation's core idea is the East,Simple,Balanced with Architectural and Artistic.LWD Fanchi is based on the concept of modern life that has used minimalist concept to depicting Oriental Aesthetic Art,and balanced the tradition and modernity's dialectical relations from the thinking of oriental cultural element.
餐厅 Dining room