The 'LC 14 01 Tabouret Cabanon' was originally designed by Le Corbusier in 1952 for his holiday 'Cabanon' in Roquebrune Cap Martin, in the south of France, where he laboured over the search for the perfect human scale - the Modulor. It was inspired by a wooden whisky crate abandoned on the beach, which is typical of the designer's interest in objet trouvé. All furniture reissued by Cassina for its 'Cassina I Maestri Collection', 2010, after an exacting study of the designer's original drawings and prototypes, and a collaboration with the Le Corbusier Foundation
现代主义大师勒柯布西耶有严格的设计原则,他同样严格地应用于家具设计和他更广为人知的建筑项目。他的长期家具合作者夏洛特·佩里德回忆说,对他来说,“最小的铅笔笔触必须有一点,才能满足需要,或者对手势或姿势做出反应”。这种无情的纯粹方式得到了回报,使他的设计与半个多世纪前的设计同样重要-以至于卡西纳刚刚恢复了他的四部杰作,因为它正在进行中的“卡西娜I Maestri”系列,是由这位伟人于1964年创作的。
这个意大利品牌自1964年起就拥有勒柯布西耶家具的独家经营权,它对工艺也采取了恰当的严格做法,从“塔布雷特”凳子上的精确吻合接头和“波尔特·曼托”(Porte Manteau)衣架上的木质蘑菇形旋钮中可以看出这一点。卡西纳方法的真实性确保了每一件作品都是柯布西耶历史的一小部分。
'LC 16 Table de travail avec rayonnages', originally designed by Le Corbusier for the children's bedrooms at the Unité d'Habitation, Nantes-Rezé in 1957
The writing desk was created by Le Corbusier using his Modulor visual measurement system. It can be expanded by adding more pieces
‘LC 15 Table de Conférence’ by Atelier Le Corbusier, 1958, seen here in the Cassina showroom