本帖最后由 我的名字叫做蓝 于 2017-9-12 11:04 编辑
设计公司:Moon Hoon 位置:韩国首尔 类型:公寓住宅 文章分类:住宅
While I was blithely dancing along with the imaginary building line, in addition to my habit of desiring ‘to connect things that seem irrelevant with lines’, I also established the order of randomness and this became the basis for designing external appearance of buildings. Virtually projected on the building, the lines were left as decorative marks on the interior walls. The biggest reason for taking on an uncontrollable situation as a designer or handing over the role of designer to random events and chance is not because I am indifferent but because they often present better solutions than I.
设计师不喜欢当代建筑中大面积的开窗,对一栋私人住宅来说,这种大面积的开窗会将住宅空间暴露在强光之下,且不利于住户的隐私。虽然这些问题可以通过窗帘,百叶窗等多种方式得到缓解,但这并不能改变这个问题的本质。因此,设计师建议将该住宅设计成独立的小型立面开窗。起初住户并不赞同这种可能导致室内光线降低的设计方法,但最终的结果却令人感到满意。 |