本帖最后由 花hua不能爱咖啡 于 2015-3-5 11:04 编辑
2010年: MIPIMAsia「年度最佳绿色建筑」 2011年: 「FuturArc」绿色先锋奖 「Perspective透视」优秀奖 「国际绿色大奖」最佳绿色智能建筑项目铜奖 2012年: GBA环保建筑大奖中获得亚太区绿色建筑大奖 整个建筑由四座塔楼构成。通透的玻璃幕墙及钢架结构,结合顶部采用的ETFE膜材料(与国家游泳中心所使用的材料相同)组成独特的节能环保罩,在内部实现独立的微气候环境。室内空气质量达到MERV标准的第11级,是综合性建筑所能达到的最高级别(国内建筑的MERV水平通常在7级左右)。楼顶的斜面设计,充分保证了周围社区的日照权,做到与环境共生的和谐相处。 ParkviewGreen芳草地拥有完善的节水设施,平均用水量比LEED®体系同等建筑的相应标准少48%。建筑废料的回收率达81%,远远高于LEED®对同等建筑的相应基准和中国建筑的平均值。节能汽车专用车位以及电动汽车充电点的配置,更在细节中传达出绿色环保的理念。
艺术氛围 作为融合创新理念的商业建筑,ParkviewGreen芳草地具备浓重而多元的艺术氛围。这里不仅汇集了西班牙本土之外最为丰富的西班牙超现实主义艺术大师–萨尔瓦多•达利的雕塑原作,点缀在各角落里的岳敏君、张晓刚、陈文令与王广义等许多中国当代顶尖艺术家的作品也以充满魅力的风格为ParkviewGreen芳草地增添浓厚的人文氛围,芳草地更将利用具象空间浓缩不同风格的艺术家作品,创造又一个启迪灵感的创意环境。
办公环境 占地87,000平方米的国际A级写字楼,充分体现领先科技与环保理念。先进的冷吊顶和地板送风系统,将室内空气与置于天花板内的水管透过辐射原理作冷/热交换,保持写字楼内温度的稳定与均衡。在春秋季节能源需求较低时,可关闭空调系统透过自然通风模式,在有效节约能源的同时充分确保人体的舒适感。
购物体验 宽阔开放的空间与清新绿色的环境展现了购物中心的别具一格:中庭广场自然光线充足,置身其中,开阔的视野令四周的店铺一览无余。一座长达236米亚洲最长的步行空吊桥对角穿过中庭广场,让来客均能自由徜徉,扩展顾客的空间体验。此外,绿色节能的空调系统带来清新的空气与四季如春的舒适温度,让顾客犹如置身于室外的自然环境。
精品酒店 隶属全球小型豪华酒店集团的北京怡亨酒店位于建筑顶层。酒店共设有100间精品套房,最具代表性的池畔套房可独享水疗泳池及空中花园等健身休闲设施,客人在室内即可享受明媚阳光带来的惬意。占地近1,100平方米的顶级总统套房,重新定义了极致的住宿体验。酒店的每位房客都可享受代购服务,24小时的私人管家与专属秘书也将为客人带来无微不至的专享服务。
侨福芳草地位置 北京市朝阳区东大桥路9号(东大桥路西侧,朝外南街和日坛北路间) 营业时间:10:00am-10:00pm
The Parkview Green project, conceptualized in 2001 to create one of the greenest, energy-efficient, dynamic mixed-use commercial developments in China, finally completes after 10 years of gestation. Being one of the first of its kind, the microclimatic envelope that encloses 230,000 square metre of retail, offices and hotel project overcame many technical and statutory challenges to become a unique landmark in Beijing, for its easily recognizable architecture and its Green credentials. The project has been certified Platinum under the LEED assessment by the US Green Building Council in 2010.
The raison d’être of the project is the preservation of natural light and ventilation for every neighbouring household surrounding the site. Under the unhindered daylight angle and restrictive heights a pyramidal envelope is formed. The concept turns these planning constraints into the project’s main asset. Creating an environmentally tempered voluminous space devoid of noise, pollutants and radiant heat from the sun, all upper storeys of offices and hotel are provided with extended outdoor landscaped areas at every floor that are usable all year round.
The concept centres around 4 independent buildings being entirely enclosed by a steel, glass and ETFE microclimatic envelope. The whole building is sunk 9m below ground level. By allowing hot air to escape at the pinnacle fresh air is drawn from the sunken garden through natural heat stack effect. Every level of the building enjoys natural ventilation when the environmental conditions are favorable. Significant energy savings has been achieved when compared against conventional buildings, between 16% in the summer and 83% in the winter.
Between the buildings a 235m span footbridge connects the diagonally opposite corners of the site at ground level. The cable suspended footbridge provides a public access through the urban block. Walking over the bridge reveals a totally different urban space filled with contemporary artwork and street activities. The Parkview Green is a unique urban experience in the heart of the CBD in Beijing.