分享了他们在山东青岛的最新项目宾达咖啡。 来自建筑师:现在的咖啡厅、茶楼、干洗店、快餐厅等公共场所,承担着从前家庭里客厅、厨房、洗手间、储藏室等的作用。时至今日,咖啡店 已经发展成为大中城市的一个社交场所,为人们的小聚提供一个消费之处。在这里,你可以在工作之余享受轻松一刻。从这一点来讲,咖啡店不 失为城市的一部分,同时,它代表着正在替代的一个地方:我们自己的家。 form the architect : Café as a story container Cafés, tearooms, dry cleaners, fast food restaurants and other urban spaces are taking on roles that historically belonged to our homes, from our living and dining rooms to our kitchens, bathrooms, and storage spaces. Nowadays, a café is a cozy place for friendship in the big city. It provides a space to share, and sell, a moment to complete our day. In this way, cafés are part of the modern city but also represent what they are replacing: our own home. 宾达咖啡店位于山东省青岛市海滨,面积200平方米,面向的目标消费人群包括一日游观光客和青岛本地居民。店铺共分为两层。一楼为一个 大大的公共区,向外延伸连接露台。公共区除服务区和收银台外,还配置一张大木桌。一楼的第二区处于夹层下面,摆放咖啡桌和咖啡椅,可 供情侣约会。夹层采用碳钢楼梯连接,向外望去,可以看见楼下的街道和双层高咖啡店入口。 BeanBar Café is located on the seaside of Qingdao, Shandong province. This 200-square-meter café aims to be open and accessible to both the one-day-tourist and the Qingdao resident. The space is organized into two levels. The first floor works as an extension of the outside terrace with a large common area, a hefty wooden table besides the service area, and a cashier. A second seating area in the first floor is under the mezzanine, with tables and chairs for two, ideal for dates. A black steel staircase leads up to the mezzanine, which looks out onto the street and the extra-large café entrance.
设计理念主要采用非常有限的材料,连接二楼夹层的扶手和楼梯采用碳钢结构设计,并在收银台后方打造一处搁架。一楼主要元素为混凝土质 地的地面与墙壁,夹层采用木地板。主材为钢材和混凝土,家具选用与之形成鲜明对比:温暖的灯光衬托出舒适的布艺沙发与座椅。 咖啡店设有可供一至八人享用的餐桌,规划出商务区和聚会区,呈现出或动感热闹或轻松惬意的氛围。 The design language is based on a limited range of materials: black steel forms the handrail of the second floor mezzanine as well as the staircase, and creates a shelf behind the cashier. Concrete walls and flooring provide the main elements in the first floor, while the mezzanine enjoys wooden floors. The furniture is selected to contrast with the steel and concrete, with comfortable fabric chairs and sofas along with warm lighting. The café is designed to hold tables for one to groups of eight, from business meetings to parties, giving a versatile feeling and a sense of place.
主创设计师:Manuel N. Zornoza
项目经理:Lihui Sim
@LATITUDE () Year: 2014
Type: Commission
Status: Completed
Client: BeanBar Café
Program: 200 .0m²