日本给马蹄分享了这座由他们设计的,位于日本岐阜 Ohno某果园里的木结构私人小住宅。 果园内的树木成为了住宅的天然隐私屏障与自然风景。身处其间的住宅构架开放,可以简单理解为7个结构体支撑起一个巨大的屋顶,
来自建筑师 form the architect: A piece of land in a Japanese persimmon (kaki) orchard was offered as the project area for a residential house. As the client wanted
wide open spaces with high ceilings, a structure composed of a large roof set on top of seven thick columns was used. To secure copious
glass windows, private areas are located inside the columns while intervals between columns are designated as living, dining and kitchen
spaces. With this composition, only the sky and the kaki orchard are visible from the inside, giving the area an open feeling while the
kaki trees provide a sense of privacy from the outside world, all of which makes for a relaxed atmosphere in the interior areas. As the
landscape transforms with the changing of the kaki seasons, a generous living space is produced in the house nestled among the kaki
trees. 对自然开放,并受到果树围绕的室内公共空间让人感到开阔而放松。公共空间的室内高度有两层层高的尺度,为了利用结构体的上层空
间,每个都有专用楼梯到达上层,其中四个楼梯放置在公共空间中,还有三个爬梯分别放置在相对应的结构体自身中。 果树掩映间,四季常变迁,乐居享不停。 Architect Information
Keiichi Kiriyama / Airhouse Design Office Credit Information
Architecture : Keiichi Kiriyama / Airhouse Design Office
Structure : Ohno Japan
Photography : Toshiyuki Yano Project Outline
Location : Ohnocho,Gifu
Date of Complication : AUG 2014
Principal Use : Private House
Structure : Wooden
Site area : 275.98.0㎡
Total Floor Area : 128.36.0㎡