Christian Lo将“铅垂”这个形象运用在灯具设计上。外观漆黑的灯具很有重量感和雕塑感,但当灯光亮起,暖暖的明亮便漫过灯罩,焕发出不一样
的神采。一个体现Christian Lo设计哲学,将简单转化为精彩,以创造力去丰富生活的有意义设计。
"Plumb" is an exploration in how a form is visually understood on not only a 3 Dimensional level but also on a very basic graphic level. The
general form is identical, only the method of hanging changes. Each exploration emotes a different connection to the object. By playing with the
concept of light always being bright, "Plumb" until lit, remains dark and sculptural like. The objects can live as a singular installation but become
more dynamic as a multiple arrangement. Each telling a different visual story.
Christian Lo is a multidisciplinary design studio with a combined background in Product Design, Furniture and Interiors. Her philosophy is to
create honest and beautiful work while making informed and thoughtful design decisions.
Christian believes simple stories can be transformed into meaningful designs that create emotional connections and enrich our lives.