本帖最后由 印豆豆 于 2018-4-18 23:01 编辑
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Client National Taiwan Museum (Taipei, Taiwan)
Design Studio TING (惠栢設計) Hueiting Chang + Christophe Gaubert
The National Taiwan Museum is the earliest Museum of Natural History in Taiwan. For its centenary, the multicultural team of Studio TING (惠栢設計) had the privilege to contribute to the global renovation by designing the permanent exhibition dedicated to the institution’s heritage. Based on the artefacts provided by the museum curators, and respecting the historical nature of the building, our team composed of scientists, architects and designers worked closely with the museum teams to organize and display the content, and tell the story of the collections. The overall design of the exhibition plays with the metaphor of nature, using natural elements converted to an abstract language of shapes and colors in the space, stimulating curiosity and transcending the knowledge with a dimension of imagination.
▼位于顶层的展区内部,interior view of the exhibition on the top floor
Located on the entire top floor of a historical colonial-style building from the Japanese era, the exhibition is divided in three spaces, two lofts with entrances on both sides and a central space surrounding the dome of the building. Each exhibition space unveils a distinct theme, both visually and in soundscape.
▼展区沉浸在绿色森林的氛围里,the mountain forest atmosphere