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塔屋,是一片可爱的小村庄。在国外,当你有一块自己的土地,为自己修一个微型的小村落也是很赞的。比如业主S+P领着他们的一对8岁双胞胎,委托建筑师设计出他们的“村庄”。 “村庄”位于澳大利亚维多利亚州的Alphington,场地原有一栋老建筑。建筑师把老建筑改建成为两个孩子的卧室和全家人的客厅,然后再新增的几个建筑体量内设置了厨房,餐厅,主卧,卫生间,图书馆,游乐屋。在这样的环境中,生活不再限定在厨房,浴室等场所中,生活的眼光放在了艺术,政治,宇宙等等事物之上。 完美的生活家,完美的生活村落。 S+P and their 8 year old twin sons asked for a home “for community, art and nature to come together”. We designed them a village. WHAT?
Tower House is a renovation and extension to a weatherboard home in Alphington, Victoria, Australia. We restored the original, where we have two kids’ rooms, a bathroom and living spaces. A studio, bedroom, bathroom, kitchen and dining occupy the new part of the house. Tower House is the result of endless conversations with a trusting, enthusiastic, patient and encouraging client. ![]()
Mum, dad and twin boys live at Tower House. The family have keen interests in the environment, outdoor recreation and the arts. We first met to discuss Tower House just days before a federal election. Fear that in two days we would have a new, particularly nasty, negative and destructive Prime Minister loomed heavily in the air. Our discussion on that first day was not about kitchens and bathrooms. Our discussions were about life, art, politics, charity, the universe and everything. We knew we had a great client on that first day. The words S+P used were carefully considered. Nurturing, stimulating, gallery, inspiring, delightful, both social and private, introverted and extroverted, legacy, responsibility, character, engaging, discourse and community. In their home S+P wanted the story to be about more than them. S+P wanted the story to include us. All of us. CONTEXT?
Tower House is near parkland and the Yarra River, with views to the Amcor chimney stacks. Tower House is bound by two roads. One is a leafy post-war suburban street. The other, which faces onto backyards, feels like a country road. With the exception of a few new homes the context is small, humble weatherboard and brick abodes. A chunk of large contemporary architecture would be an imposition in this context. WHY?
Tower House is the result of a vast number of concurrent discussions about issues far broader than the home itself. Though the brief was not small, our proposition was to create a series of small structures of a scale and texture that did not dominate its context. Tower House is about a lot of things. Here are our highlights: ![]()
建筑师和业主在早期沟通时,给了两位双胞胎纸笔让他们画画,当沟通接近尾声,双胞胎的画作也完成,他们没有画梦幻的车和龙,而是画了尖尖的塔屋。这些塔屋最终成为建筑师的灵感。 在很多改建案例中,新增的建筑就像是一个陌生的癌细胞衣服在原有建筑上。而在这个改建项目中,一系列小结构围绕老建筑布局形成独有层次,内中有外,外中有内的结构。整个街区3号门牌过了就是7号门牌,遗失的5号门牌被“村落”“代替”。另外建筑师还考虑了第五立面,让整个区域从空中看起来也非常美观。 ![]()
The twins’ sketches
During an early design meeting we handed the twin boys paper and pencils and asked them to quietly entertain themselves while the adults spoke about ‘more important things’. After discussing the complexity of designing a home, and the various possibilities, we had all found ourselves deep down the rabbit hole, confused, lost and tired. We looked over to the boys to discover that they were not drawing cars, soldiers or dragons. Instead they had drawn their house. With modest confidence they slid their simple sketches, complete with notations, to me saying in unison “there you go”. Their sketches distilled a lot of ideas. They had firmly pushed the boat off the shore and we were on our way. ![]()
Home as village
As homes increase in size they increasingly appear as hostile monoliths. When a home is extended, often the monolith crashes into the original. The later looking like an alien cancerous growth on the former. Tower House is anti-monolith. Tower House is village externally and a home internally. The house defies logic as the exterior appears to be a series of small structures, while internally the spaces and functions are large and connected. Like the Tardis, it’s small on the outside and large internally. Missing No.5
The mysterious case of the missing No.5. There is no No.5 in this street, which is odd. No.3 and No.7 sit side by side and no one can explain why No.5 was omitted. Tower House finds a small gap between 3 and 7 to build a new structure. It’s not No.5. The new tower fills the numerical gap. But the mystery remains. 5th elevation
When designing the Sydney Opera House Utzon spoke of the fifth facade, knowing that the roof will be the part of the building that dominates the view from the Harbour Bridge and the tall buildings nearby. The street front is no longer the public face of our buildings. Google Earth has made the roof the public face of our buildings, accessible to anyone at anytime. We can now easily see all of the mess that has been hidden on the rooftop. What was once hidden is now fully displayed. With this in mind we deliberately designed Tower House so that it looked beautiful from the sky and from Google Earth. ![]()
开放的社交 整个设计反思现在私人用地堆起越来越高栅栏的做法,希望营造一个开放但是拥有隐私的空间,前院公共菜园可以邀请邻居进来,主体建筑背面的后面更多是隐私空间。 It’s all about community Increasingly our houses are overly concerned with privacy. Fences are getting higher and we are turning our backs to our neighbours. It’s starting to look less like house and garden and more like compound and security. What’s happening to neighbourhood and community? Tower House can be both. The front yard is now a communal vegetable patch. Neighbours are invited to help themselves and, if they wish, do a little gardening from time to time. The rest of the garden has a high fence around it, however you can see through the fence and, importantly the fences can be left open wide. With streets on both sides of Tower House neighbours can use the garden as a short cut and grab a few veggies on the way through. With the gates wide open the line between public and private starts to get blurred.
男孩的图书馆 给男孩准备的图书馆主要垂直发展,整个墙面都满满的装上书,空中挂上休息网供孩子攀爬,玩乐,同时业主也足期待自己的孩子可以在这里阅读,思考。 The Net Australia is wide and flat. As a result our homes are wide and flat. Our HOUSE House project explored the idea of creating a vertical home, in contrast to the typical Australian home. The boy’s studio pushes this idea further. It is a wholly vertical space with a bookshelf running from floor to ceiling. The boys desks are at the base of the studio, where they can studiously work. Hanging within this tall space is a net where the boys can read, and contemplate with a view to the street and a view to the backyard. The boys study is designed to inspire the boys as they grow and learn. ![]()
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女孩的图书馆 给女孩准备的图书馆隐藏在花草丛中,十分安静,室内用色较深,显出沉静的一面。 Her library S’ library is a place of thought and contemplation. Slightly submerged, the desk is almost buried in the garden. Lined with dark spotted gum the library has an age and a wisdom that is in contrast to the playful contemplation of the boys study. ![]()
厨房上空 可以爬到厨房上空,上面铺设了人造草 His spot P has a sneaky spot in the roof space above the kitchen. Lined in synthetic grass with nothing more than a banana lounge and a book P’s spot it a hideaway within the centre of the house. ![]()
可适应性与可持续性 这个“村落”的设计能够长期适应家庭成员的成长和变化,甚至考虑到当小孩子长大离开家以后的情况。滑动门板可以轻松将大空间变成小空间,能够让小空间汇聚成为大空间。 此外可持续性不仅仅体现在对生活的适应性上,该住宅项目还积极利用太阳,采用双层玻璃和高绝缘材料,利用自然通风,利用中水,实现能源的可持续性。 Cha-cha-cha-changes Tower House is a long-term family home. The boys will be adults when (if) they leave. The house can easily adapt from being a shared family home to being two separate zones with distinct entries. Within the original house we have hidden sliding panels which allow the large shared rooms to be divided into small. A variety of different activities can take place, whether shared or private. It’s the best of both worlds. SUSTAINABLE? Like all of our buildings, sustainability is at the core of Tower House. Rather than simply extruding the existing structure we have run the new form along the southern boundary so that it is soaked with sunlight. The openings and windows have been designed to optimise passive solar gain, thereby drastically reducing demands on mechanical heating and cooling. All windows are double glazed. White roofs drastically reduce urban heat sink and heat transfer internally. Need for air-conditioning is eliminated through active management of shade, and flow through ventilation. Water tanks have their place as they do on all of our projects. High performance insulation is everywhere, even in the walls of the original house. ![]()