
1 / NAB 3 Parramatta Square 和 NAB 2 Carrington St. 办公室 | Woods Bagot | 2022 | Australia
2022-9-21 05:56|Woods.Bagot|办公设计|100%
...一种稀缺的动态。 ,项目设计:Woods Bagot,项目年份:2022,项目摄影:Nicole England, Trevor Mein,供应商: UniFor, Wilkhahn, Flowcrete, Interface, Academy Tiles, Armstrong, Artek, Artifort, Aspect Furniture, Bosch, Breville, Caesarstone, Caon Studio, Caroma, Clark, Cul...
2 / Twitter 办公室 | Woods Bagot | 2022 | 新加坡
2022-9-20 19:37|Woods.Bagot|办公设计|100%
,客户:Twitter, ,面积:22,230 sqft,年份:2022,坐落:Singapore, ,行业: Technology, ,Woods Bagot was tasked with creating a hybrid and dynamic space for the Twitter offices located in Singapore.,This project exemplifies an ambitious pilot study towards agile working for ...