
1 / 形式的对立面 | MATTER装置 | Fiona Lynch | 2022 | 澳大利亚
2022-4-24 10:15|Fiona.Lynch|创意设计|100%
,有意识地与新开发的墨尔本中央商务区 80 Collins 的紧致建筑表皮并列,由总部位于伦敦的 Universal Design Studio 设计,MATTER by Fiona Lynch 是有机雕塑形式的集合。 ,位于 80 Collins North 和 South Towers 的入口大厅内,这个令人回味...
2 / Fiona Lynch在塔拉瓦拉艺术博物馆的零售空间和多用途门厅。
2020-8-10 04:16|Fiona.Lynch|创意设计|100%
Melbourne-based design studio of Fiona Lynch has reimagined the gallery foyer at the TarraWarra Museum of Art. Conceived as a spatial insertion, the interior is sculpted around the significant architectural language and intent of the museum; defining the expansive multi-use lobby space, while posit...