
1 / 精品酒店] de Sèze酒店
2015-1-21 17:31|huiquan05|酒店设计|100%
Chic atmosphereThroughout the 24 rooms and suites, the lobby, honesy bar, lounge, exercise area and Turkish bath… flora, fauna and serenely luxurious appointments grace the walls, creating a new and highly original atmosphere, with vibrant natural and graphic paintings. A feast for the eyes, natur...
2 / [精品酒店] 伦敦Ace Hotel
2015-1-14 15:19|huiquan05|酒店设计|100%
Ace Hotel位于东伦敦新兴文艺区Shoreditch街区,这个被当地人封为最新潮、最时髦、最酷的街区,曾经是先驱艺术家的摇篮,最尖端、最奇葩的设计师都来自这里。 这一次的Ace Hotel继续秉承着尊重本土文化的一贯作风,与当地设计...
3 / 精品酒店-Yellow Tail Sushi Bar at VIE Hotel
2015-1-12 17:39|huiquan05|酒店设计|100%
The award-winning VIE Hotel Bangkok enlisted Rockwell Group Europe to renovate three floors including a new bar, outdoor terrace, and restaurant. The Yellow Tail Sushi Bar, located on the third level, is a reinterpretation of contemporary Japanese forms. Rockwell Group Europe used wood, black granit...
4 / 瑞士阿尔卑斯山酒店
2015-1-7 15:31|huiquan05|酒店设计|100%
Something as elementary as a pinecone is the inspiration for what might very well be the Swiss Alps' most eye-catching new architectural marvel Set against a dramatic backdrop of the Graubünden Alps, the InterContinental Davos was designed by Oliver Hofmeister of Munich-based firm Oikios, who en...
5 / 荷兰海牙Suite Novotel Accor酒店 (高大上)
2014-12-19 14:56|huiquan05|酒店设计|100%
法国巴黎Studio Constance Guisset分享了他们在荷兰海牙的Suite Novotel, Accor项目。设计出如同家一样舒适温暖的酒店公共场所。整个空间开放且保持舒适的人尺度。人们被简洁优美的座椅,家具和物件包围。缤纷的色彩打造出欢快祥和...