The Hooded Spider Phaeton, late 18th/early 19th century, monogramed DR ($12,000-14,000)
本世纪的拍卖会本周开始;佳士得将佩吉和大卫·洛克菲勒(David Rockefeller)的藏品在纽约拍卖,首日成交价为646,133,594美元/476,148,559英镑/€541,380,911美元。
吸引人眼球的毕加索(Corbeille Filurie)和莫奈(尼夫斯·斯恩·弗劳尔合共84,687,500美元)的作品随处可见,不仅有精美的艺术品,还有家具、陶瓷、银器和各种国内服饰的例子,拍卖所得全部捐给慈善机构。
为了激发年轻收藏家的兴趣-或许在艺术品拍卖会上定价过高,但敢于与路易十五(Louis XV)的胡桃木贝格雷(Louis XV)配上一把“LC2”椅子-佳士得(Christie‘s)在美国摄影师斯蒂芬·肯特·约翰逊(Stephen Kent Johnson)和我们的肯特·约翰逊(Kent Johnson)启动了戒指的闪光灯,而雷诺兹则用精致的双腿和丰满的装饰手法,为从乔治三世(George Ii)的桃花心木葡萄酒冷却器到一辆20岁的带帽子的蜘蛛吞食车,增添了一种启示性的光泽。
A Staffordshire porcelain fruit cooler ($400-600) atop a George II mahogany triangular drop-leaf table ($5,000-8,000)
A selection of English mahogany tripod tables and French and English clocks, estimates ranging from $100-$10,000
A pair of Louis XV walnut bergeres ($2,000-3,000), a George I walnut settee ($2,000-3,000) and a Dutch tapestry cushion ($300-500)
A George II mahogany library armchair, attributed to Wright and Elwick, circa 1755 ($50,000-80,000 for a pair) and a pair of 19th-century Dutch brass shoe-form wall brackets ($200-300)
A George II walnut dressing bureau-on-stand ($4,000-6,000) and a William IV mahogany hall chair ($2,000-3,000 for a pair) with a pair of Meissen pug dogs ($3,000-5,000)